Reed Arts Week, RAW: Geographies
I’m proud to be participating in Reed’s Art Week. I’ll be giving** a lecture and demonstration of aerospace in the arts and Grassroots Mapping tools on Saturday, March 5 @ Noon. Location is still TBA. At the Gray Campus Center room C. There will be complementary supplies and instructions for building your own solar hot air balloon.
Essentially this kit, minus the expensive stuff (wind speed meter, infrared thermometer).
Come for balloons, stay for Francis Alÿs
At 4pm Saturday there will be a showing of Francis Alÿs’s *When Faith Moves Mountains, *and other works. Of course, you could watch his work on your computer, but get out and enjoy the cinema!
**Francis Alÿs, “When Faith Moves Mountains” (2002). **from Daily Serving on Vimeo.