Helium Supplier Map Built on uMap & OSM
With the pandemic in full swing, helium is rather expensive and has been difficult to get. I’ve therefore been keeping track of suppliers and their offerings...
With the pandemic in full swing, helium is rather expensive and has been difficult to get. I’ve therefore been keeping track of suppliers and their offerings...
After a variety of delays, detailed in my previous studio update videos, I’ve finally finished the production prototype of Airpup and have done a solid test ...
I did a production run of 30 flat winders based on my design from last spring, and also illustrated some instructions.
I’ve begun creating a series of video-based studio updates using my standard definition video mixer. They’re quick and easy to make, and let me document my p...
I want Airpup to be fun and social, and worked with Justin Nichol to create a character that not only represents Airpup, but could be drawn directly on the b...